Salon Art + Design, 2023, New York


09/11/2023 — 13/11/2023
 SALON – NY 2023

Spazio Nobile, Pleiades

Salon Art + Design 2023 New York
Park Avenue Armory, booth A7

Download the invitation here
Download the catalogue here

On the picture: Jacqueline Surdell, photo by Ian Vecchioti

Collectors & VIP Preview
Thursday, November 9, 5-9pm, by invitation
Friday, November 10, 11-20
Saturday, November 11, 11-19
Sunday, November 12, 11-19
Monday, November 13, 11-17


For its inaugural edition at the Salon Art + Design in New York, Spazio Nobile, co-founded by French art historians, writers and curators Lise Coirier and Italo-Swedish Gian Giuseppe Simeone, presents “Pleiades” on booth A7, a group exhibition featuring 16 selected artists and designers from the gallery.The Pleiades, also known as the Seven Sisters, are a cosmic constellation that has long fascinated the human imagination and served as an endless source of inspiration in art, design, and literature.

These seven brilliant stars have been a celestial muse for countless artists and creators throughout history. Spazio Nobile explores the profound influence of the Pleiade son the creative world, inspiring artists to investigate themes of unity, femininity, and holistic connection. These seven stars, bound by gravity and mythology, symbolize the power of collective creativity, bringing artists together in a shared quest for inspiration. Design has also been touched by the allure of the Pleiades. The delicate arrangement of these celestial bodies in the night sky has influenced the composition of furniture, lighting, and architectural elements. The interplay of light and shadow inspired by the Pleiades has found its way into contemporary design, creating spaces that evoke a sense of wonder.Literature has woven the Pleiades into the fabric of storytelling for centuries. From ancient Greek myths to modern science fiction, the seven sisters have been a recurring motif, representing everything from sisterhood and love to exploration and discovery. At the Salon Art + Design in New York, Spazio Nobile unveils the multifaceted influence of the Pleiades through art and design.

“La Pléiade” in French literature is also poetic and symbolic. Just as the Pleiades are a constellation of seven bright stars, “La Pléiade” was a group of seven influential French poets who aimed to rejuvenate French poetry during the Renaissance, much like how Spazio Nobile positions itself as a “genius loci” to revive the energy flow in the field of contemporary applied arts at the intersection with fine art.This innovative and lyrical poetry is intertwined in the unique works of artists and designers of the gallery: Piet Stockmans, Wilde Strippen, porcelain and Stockmansblauw — Ann Beate Tempelhaug, North, stoneware porcelain mural — FoyerBrisé, Echo, porcelain and mixed media — Päivi Rintaniemi, Calix, stoneware sculpture with shamott — Garnier & Linker,Diatomée sculpture vases, molten glass — Katherine Huskie, Echinus and Ostreum, hand blown and squeezed molten glass sculptural vases — Jacqueline Surdell, narrative rope tapestries, cotton and nylon — Bela Silva, gouaches on paper and hand-built glazed sculpture — Kiki van Eijk, Civilized Primitives Daybed and Mirror, polished and patinated bronze — Fabian von Spreckelsen, Comfort, leather cabinet in eroded metal — Ernst Gamperl, turned wood vessels, iron oxides or bleached— Kaspar Hamacher, Max, monoxyle chairs in burnt oak — Jin Kuramoto, iconic Bamboo Chair part of A New Layer Taiwan collection — Pao Hui Kao, floating Red and Black Urushi Paper Pleats collectible furniture and the Red Urushi Lacquer Leaf with Kintsugi — Philipp Weber, Celadon Filigree light pendants — Isaac Monté, Crystallized sculpture vessel.

Lise Coirier, November 2023.


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Featured artist(s)

Associated artworks

Jacqueline Surdell 
Waiting for Colors after the Storm [before the Sun]

Jin Kuramoto 
The Bamboo Chair Natural

Garnier & Linker 
Diatomée Blue Sky

Pao Hui Kao 
Blue Urushi Paper pleats stool High

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Very Large Sea Green

Pao Hui Kao 
Urushi Paper Pleats Stool High

Pao Hui Kao 
Urushi Paper Pleats Stool Low

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #12

Garnier & Linker 
Diatomée Cobalt

Pao Hui Kao 
Black Urushi Paper Pleats Low stool or Side table

Pao Hui Kao 
Urushi Paper Pleats High stool or Side table

Pao Hui Kao 
Red Urushi Paper Pleats Sideboard

Garnier & Linker 
Diatomée Pink

Garnier & Linker 
Diatomée Nearly Black