Spazio Nobile & Cor Unum, Spazio Nobile Studiolo, from 22nd May until 4th September

Le Quattro Stagioni di Tom

22/05/2022 — 04/09/2022Spazio Nobile Studiolo

Spazio Nobile Studiolo & Cor Unum: Le Quattro Stagioni di Tom

Éditions limitées de vases artistiques  /Limited editions of artistic ceramic vases: “Quattro Stazione di Tom” – Vases de style Memphis par les maîtres italiens & hollandais / Memphis style vases by Italian & Dutch Masters

Download the catalogue here

Alessandro Mendini, Primavera

George Sowden, Estate

Andrea Branzi, Autonnu

Michele De Lucchi, Inverno

Kiki van Eijk, Silver Soft – Special Limited Edition

Maarten Baas, Vet vase for vet plant

Wieki Somers, The Blossom Ant

Roderick Vos, Mama Vase

About Cor Unum

The cross fertilization between professional designers of our time, the knowledge of the craft of ceramic art center Cor Unum and the talent trained on art schools in the Netherlands, results increasingly in innovative products, new design traditions and fruitful collaboration between independent artists and the ceramic production process. Implicity this is the ambition of Cor Unum and it illustrates how designers of our time prefer to work: in co-creation in order to inspire new shapes and designs. This results in Cor Unum being the linking pin of a movement that guarantees a meaningful role for the traditional ceramic craft in state-of-the-art design. Cor Unum is founded and based in The Netherlands, we produce ceramics designed by leading international designers, ar-chitects and visual artists. We take social and cultural responsibility for the legacy of the ceramic crafts. Our mission is brought to the market through a team consisting of professionals, students, people with distance from the labour market, designers and volunteers. We share one common passion: everyone deserves a place, everyone has got a talent and anyone can contribute to make the world somewhat nicer.

Spazio Nobile Studiolo

Spazio Nobile & Cor Unum: Le Quattro Stagioni di Tom


Rue Franz Merjay 142 & 169 – 1050 Brussels


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