Spazio Nobile at Collectible Brussels

Good Luck! New Experiments

07/03/2024 — 10/03/2024

Good Luck! New Experiments

Collectible, Espace Vanderborght, rue de l’Écuyer 50, B- 1000 Brussels

March 7-10, Booth 1-12

Press Preview and Conference: March 6, 10-12.00 / VIP Preview: 13-18.00

Vernissage: March 6, 18-21.00 (by invitation only)

Public Opening: March, 7-9, 12-19.00 & March 10, 12-18.00

Featuring new works by 9 artists and designers of the gallery: Foyer Brisé (NL), Audrey Guimard (FR), Liu Chien-Kuang (TW/SE), Isaac Monté (BE), Mathieu Peyroulet (FR), Jacqueline Surdell (US), Fenna van der Klei (NL), Quentin Vuong (FR), Didi NG Wing Yin (HK/FI)

Download the invitation here

Download the catalogue here

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Featured artist(s)

Associated artworks

Jacqueline Surdell 
Waiting for Colors after the Storm [before the Sun]

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure Mirror 13

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure Mirror M17

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure #11

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure #4

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure #2

Quentin Vuong 
Mercure #1

Pao Hui Kao 
Urushi Paper Pleats High stool or Side table

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