Päivi Rintaniemi

Päivi Rintaniemi graduated with a Master of Arts from the Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. The varied art disciplines taught at the university enabled her to develop solid professional skills in both design and sculpture. After her studies, Rintaniemi concentrated mainly on designing and manufacturing everyday objects. She shows her Amfora creations at major international design shows. Sculpture has always been an important counterbalance for her design work. Rintaniemi’s starting points for structuring her works of art are shape and dimension. Her pieces are characterised by her way of working the clay, which is also often a significant factor in the nature and narrative of her sculptures. Over the years, colour has been replaced by structured surfaces and earthy tones. Rintaniemi’s artistic work is meditative, with an interaction between the material and the themes. Through her works, Rintaniemi strives to unveil her relationship with nature, and to let her audience appreciate the uniqueness and miracles of life. Päivi Rintaniemi’s work has been recognised both nationally and internationally.

She received the Finnish designer award in 2008, and first prize at the International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Faenza, Italy, in 2013. She has participated in many art shows in Finland and abroad, and her works are found in Finnish national collections and museums, as well as in private collections. Spazio Nobile showed her work throughout the Finnish season “Keep Your Garden Alive” in 2019, and since then has represented her at art and design shows. Spazio Nobile represents Päivi Rintaniemi since 2020.

Päivi Rintaniemi: Calix

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