Isaac Monté

Isaac Monté (NL) Designer Isaac Monté has a fascination for unusual materials and an urge to master and manipulate these materials. He is a Belgian designer based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Isaac studied at art academies in Belgium, The Netherlands and Norway. His interest in product design developed at Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam, where he graduated as product designer in 2013. The work of Isaac Monté has been shown in a variety of galleries and exhibitions in Belgium, The Netherlands, Italy and Germany. Isaac is lecturing and leading workshops in various institutions, from the industry (IKEA) to art academies. Monté was awarded TheThreshold Price as most talented graduate in 2013, with his project “Filter Factory”. In 2014 he was awarded the Henri Winkelman Award for young creative entrepreneurs in Rotterdam. In 2015 he was announced as one of the recipients of the Bio Art and Design Awards. This award gave him the opportunity to design “The Art of Deception” in collaboration with Toby Kiers, Professor in Evolutionary Biology at the Free University in Amsterdam. Spazio Nobile represents Isaac Monté since 2019. Isaac Monté The Crystal series is the result of research into stalagmites, one of the greatest wonders of nature. The growing process of the objects can be seen as a metaphor for time. Each object is unique in shape, colour and texture, due to the organic development of the object. The objects are the result of the natural crystallization of minerals and the influence of the designer on the formation process. This process can take up to several weeks to obtain the perfect shape, interesting colour combinations and dimensions of crystals.


At Random: Isaac Monté

Isaac Monte on Crystallized


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Associated artworks

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Large Celadon Blue

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Large Red Wine

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #06

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #39

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Very Large Sea Green

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #43

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #36

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #28

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #23

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Iced Blue Small

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Iced Lila

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Iced Blue Mini

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Pink Small & Mini

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #14

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #6

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #12

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized #11

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Vase Amethist

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Vase Large Green

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Vase Berry

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized SL58 Chair

Isaac Monté 
Crystallized Icons

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