Unique Design Shanghai – Group Show


07/11/2019 — 10/11/2019

Spazio Nobile takes part into the 1st edition of Unique Design Shanghai at Tank, West Bund, Shanghai, which will happen from 7 until 10 November at Tank, West Bund, Shanghai.

Featured artists and designers represented by the gallery: Garnier & Linker (FR), Kaspar Hamacher (BE), Sebastian Herkner (D), Jin Kuramoto (JP), Laura Laine (FI), Päivi Rintaniemi (FI), Kristina Riska (FI), Piet Stockmans (BE), Kustaa Saksi (FI), Bela Silva (PT), Adi Toch (UK-IS).

Unique Design Shanghai,  the 1st platform dedicated to collectible design in China, will be launched by the joint forces of Perfect Crossovers and Modern Media during the Shanghai Art Week in the West Bund Art District this November. Unique Design Shanghai is a communication and commercial platform for the promotion of design galleries, collectors, patrons and institutions. The event will include 5 feature section through which to engage with different types of audiences: including a selection of top international design galleries, China Next Pavilion, Design Performance, film and Forum section, the VIP Lounge Pavilion and Pop-up specialized design bookstore.

Link to the catalogue

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Featured artist(s)

Associated artworks

Bela Silva 
Rencontre de vagues

Piet Stockmans 
wilde strippen (White)

Kristina Riska 
Unlimited Form 1

Garnier & Linker 
Diatomée Nearly Black