Piet Stockmans

Born in Leopoldsburg (Belgium) in 1940, Piet Stockmans this year celebrates the 30th anniversary of his studio. Living on the site of Genk’s C-Mine, his career fluctuates between art, the applied arts and industrial design. For nearly 30 years, he taught product design at KHLim in Genk and the Design Academy Eindhoven, and collaborated with industry – notably 25 years with Royal Mosa. New ideas and experiments continue to nourish his work as an artist-ceramicist, ranging from unique or multiple pieces of applied art, to integrations of his porcelain works, to architecture. Cultural ambassador for Flanders in 1995, winner of the Henry Van de Velde Career Award (Flanders Design) in 1998, his works have been included in major exhibitions (solo or group) and have been the subject of memorable installations. Stockmans has seen his creations take their place in the largest Belgian and international collections: PMMK Oostende, Designmuseum Gent, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, MAD New York, Met New York, Mint Museum of Craft and Design, Musée national / Cité de la Céramique

de Sèvres, V&A London, etc. He has also led many workshops and conferences in major art and design schools, and has participated in important biennials of ceramics. Spazio Nobile represents Stockmans since 2017. “Piet Stockmans has view of the matter in his wall installation and “Example of A Landscape” on view at the gallery. He has conducted his whole career at the edge. Among his most recognizable compositions feature numerous porcelain vessels and imperfect fragments, the lips of each marked out in a wash of blue, so called “Stockmansblauw”. Despite their outward serenity, these installations can also be understood as energy fields, welling up against their own limits. The individual variations of each painterly edge suggest a barely controlled tide, a brimming chaos beneath. Over the course of his six decades in the medium, Stockmans has pursued the collision between order and turbulence, strength and fragility, following that dialectical instinct wherever it leads him. In his hands, ceramic seems not so much a terrestrial art form as an oceanic or celestial one: a domain of infinite amplitude, containing forces beyond our reckoning.” Extract by Glenn Adamson for TLmag, 2020.


Piet Stockmans: Extreme Measures

Piet Stockmans: Porcelain Reincarnation

Contemplating Land/Scapes with Piet Stockmans

Piet Stockmans Takes His Blues to Collect

Studio Pieter Stockmans: Quality, Craftsmanship and Love

Blauw. Ceci n’est pas une couleur

Stockmans Meets Vercruysse at Spazio Nobile

Featured in

Associated artworks

Piet Stockmans 
80 Years Anniversary Artist’s Monography

Piet Stockmans 
High Vases with Blue Flaps

Piet Stockmans 
wilde strippen (White)

Piet Stockmans 
halflange strippen

Piet Stockmans 
wilde strippen anthracite

Piet Stockmans 
NO CHINA – Piet Stockmans

Piet Stockmans 
Example of a landscape

Piet Stockmans 
A manual for fans

Piet Stockmans 
Spiral Staircase booklet

Piet Stockmans 
Book with black thoughts

Piet Stockmans 
met de voeten in het water (with feet in water)

Piet Stockmans 
Plateau with 24 cups

Piet Stockmans 
Plateau with 24 cups

Piet Stockmans 
Successful marriage

Piet Stockmans 
Nicely stored away

Piet Stockmans 
Crossed strips

Piet Stockmans 
Broken strips

Piet Stockmans 
Wind comes from the right

Piet Stockmans 
Turned in on itself strips

Piet Stockmans 
Wind comes from the left

Piet Stockmans 
Wall installation

Piet Stockmans 
Wall installation

Piet Stockmans 
square plates

Piet Stockmans 
vases with grey flaps

Piet Stockmans 
vallende vazen (The Fallen Vases)

Piet Stockmans 
Box with folded porcelain plates

Piet Stockmans 
Box with glazed porcelain rods

Piet Stockmans 
Box with glazed porcelain plates

Piet Stockmans 
draaitrappenboekje (revolving stairs booklet )

Piet Stockmans 
boekje handleiding voor waaiers (A Manual For Fans)

Piet Stockmans 
blauw boek (Blue Book)

Piet Stockmans 
het blauwe trappenboek (The Blue Stair Book)

Piet Stockmans 
example of a landscape

Piet Stockmans 
Example of a landscape

Piet Stockmans 
example of a landscape

Piet Stockmans 
wilde strippen (Wild Strips)

Piet Stockmans 
stille getuigen (Silent Witnesses)

Piet Stockmans 
tower in half-blue

Piet Stockmans 
tower in blue

Piet Stockmans 
Tower of Babel

Piet Stockmans 
elongated chest

Piet Stockmans 
poor remnants (from the ‘poor’ series)

Piet Stockmans 
dish with a cuboid shape

Piet Stockmans 
a soft blue oval vase

Piet Stockmans 
plateau with 75 champagne glasses with blue bottoms

Piet Stockmans 
4 x 6 unique cups

Piet Stockmans 
4 x 6 unique cups

Piet Stockmans 
still life with six porcelain cups

Piet Stockmans 
omgevallen-blauwe-bekers/ fallen over cups

Piet Stockmans 
Plate with 55 glasses

Piet Stockmans 
omgevallen (Collapse)

Piet Stockmans 
overvol (Congested)

Piet Stockmans 
vases with blue flaps

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