Spazio Nobile At Home Celebration Weekend, The Lunar New Year Group Show

10/02/2024 — 11/02/2024 @ 12:00 Spazio Nobile At Home

Spazio Nobile At Home
Celebration Weekend: 10-11.2.2024, 12-19.00

The Dragon Eye

The Lunar New Year Group Show

Lise Coirier & Gian Giuseppe Simeone are pleased to invite you in their private house to discover an installation of Sogetsu ikebanas created by Japanese artist Yuka Isono in a selection of sculptural vases made by the artists and designers of the gallery such as François Azambourg, Foyer Brisé, Marie Corbin, Garnier & Linker, Katherine Huskie, Isaac Monté, Bela Silva, Piet Stockmans, Kiki van Eijk and Philipp Weber. These flower art arrangements and performances dialogue with collectible furniture, objects and works of art from the gallery. The exhibition runs until June 23, 2024

Book the ikebana performances on Sunday, February 11
at 3 or 5pm or plan your visit by appointment

Email to:

Address: Elisabethlaan 4, 3080 Tervuren, Belgium

Parking on site and in front of the house, terminus tram 44



A celebration of The Lunar New Year by Yuka Isono, Sogetsu Ikebanist. The Sogetsu school was founded in 1927 by Sofu Teshigawara and showed great creativity inspired by the Meiji era and interaction with Western countries. A century later, Sogetsu ikebana, which means “the school of plants and the moon“, continues to brighten up our contemporary lives with its emphasis on line, mass and colour.

Download the invitation here