Call to the Wild – Maison Louis Carré, arch. Alvar Aalto

L’Appel de la Nature

20/06/2020 — 29/11/2020

This exhibition initiates a personalised dialogue between the Maison Louis Carré and three Finnish artists who are reinvigorating the Finnish applied arts scene, by weaving strong and unprecedented links between the popular and contemporary arts. It kicks off the start of a season that is very special in the Nordic countries, celebrating the summer solstice and the arrival of the good weather.

After being postponed for a few months, from the equinox to midsummer, i.e. from March 21 to June 20, the exhibition is welcoming the public by appointment, until the official opening at the end of September, the beginning of autumn 2020. It will end a few days before winter. By following the rhythm of the four seasons, this event takes on even more distinction, emblematic of a «point in time» that will remain etched in our memories.

After these long weeks spent at home in an exceptional confinement that brings to mind certain stories and myths from here and elsewhere, of rites of passage marked by the cycle of life and death, we enter the summer season with the exhibition Call to the Wild. At the edge of the woods, the visitor begins an encounter with strange creatures interspersed between the items of furniture in the Maison Louis Carré, this historical heritage of the 20th century, echoing the popular poems recounted by Elias Lönnrot in the Kalevala, an epic of Finnish mythology and folklore that permeates the creations of the three Finnish artists invited to celebrate this «call to the wild»: Laura Laine, Kustaa Saksi and Kim Simonsson.

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Featured artist(s)

Associated artworks

Laura Laine 
Spook from The Wet Collection