Art Brussels – Duo show

Kustaa Saksi & Bela Silva: Cosmogony

25/04/2019 — 28/04/2019

By looking at the origins of the universe, art can be a source of therapy for the human
being. This is the underlying concept of our Discovery booth. “First Symptoms”, 2018-2019, is the new cycle of woven tapestries by Kustaa Saksi, mixed media in silk, mohair, rubberized cotton, cashmere wool, transparent polyester film, velvet, … It will be shown for the first time in Belgium, combined to Bela Silva’s ‘baroque’ ceramics. Both artists are taking advantage of their very tactile media to explore their sources of inspirations. Saksi on one hand is suffering of migraine and takes his symptoms as a way to overcome his pain and search for beauty and meaning of life, whereas Bela Silva creates her own world of fantasies by working from many cultural influences and references to achieve her expressive ceramic sculptures. Both of them are playing with this interchange between consciousness and the unconscious. They share an intimate perception and expression of life and nature through their own poetics.

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Featured artist(s)

Associated artworks

Bela Silva 
Les oiseaux amoureux

Bela Silva 
Gotas de agua/ Gouttes d’eau

Kustaa Saksi 
Nightless Night

Kustaa Saksi 
In the Fish Trap

Kustaa Saksi 
Arachne’s Web