V8 designers – Pierre Bindreiff & Sébastien Geissert

Pierre Bindreiff et Sébastien Geissert, who graduated from the Strasbourg école des Arts Décoratifs in 2003 and 2004, respectively, have worked together under the label V8 Designers since 2004. They chose this name because, according to them, design has more to do with the engine than the chassis. Their creations can be seen in a variety of different contexts. They create objects for manufacturers and producers such as Caddie, Rodet, Cristalleries de Saint-Louis, La Chance and others, who participate in various exhibitions (Wanted Design in New York, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs and Ministère de la Culture in Paris, the International Design Biennale in Saint-Etienne, the Milan Fair, Design-Week in Vienna, etc.). They also work on publicly funded projects (the Rhine-Meuse Water Company and the new Public Hospital in Strasbourg, amongst others), create exhibition sets (the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Strasbourg, Kunsthalle in Mulhouse, Cristalleries de Saint-Louis) and work with architects on interior design.

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V8 designers – Pierre Bindreiff & Sébastien Geissert 

V8 designers – Pierre Bindreiff & Sébastien Geissert 

V8 designers – Pierre Bindreiff & Sébastien Geissert 

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