Damien Gernay

Damien Gernay was born in 1975, in the suburbs of Paris. Between 1994 and 1998, he studied design at Ecole Supérieure des Arts (ESA) Saint-Luc Tournai in Belgium. After school, he worked on scenography projects for contemporary dance and theatre clients in Belgium. From 2003 to 2005, Gernay was an artist-in-residence at Le Fresnoy, National Studio for Contemporary Arts in Tourcoing, France, a center for interdisciplinary artists. In 2007, he established his own design studio in Brussels. Gernay’s work is highly experimental, driven by his desire to challenge boundaries between art and design. To date, his practice spans furniture, lighting, and accessories. His pieces often reflect a reverence for nature and the enigmatic; his larger oeuvre focuses on materiality, texture, and ambiguity. Close to the considerations of a painter or a sculptor, the imponderable plays a decisive role in his practice. The error is accepted and assimilated, making each piece unique with its own history, complexities, and intimate paradoxes. He combines control with spontaneity, mixing the smooth with the rough. Gernay has exhibited at fairs such PAD London & Paris, ICFF in New York, Milan Design Week, and institutions such as Triennale de Milano, Design museum in Ghent, Bozar in Brussels.

Damien Gernay’s works take part in Season VII Die Werkstatt – Damien Gernay, Kaspar Hamacher, Jonas Loellmann, Valentin Loellmann, Fabian von Spreckelsen – Sculptural Furniture Design & Photographyexhibition at Spazio Nobile.

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Associated artworks

Damien Gernay 
Mer Noire, Centerpiece

Damien Gernay 
Mer Noire – Cliff edition

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