Catalogue and exhibition views PAD Paris Tactilités contemplatives /Contemplative Tactility

05/04/2022 — 10/04/2022 Spazio Nobile Gallery

Spazio Nobile on PAD Paris
Tactilités contemplatives /Contemplative Tactility

We thank the organizors, the visitors, collectors and artists for this fantastic edition at PAD Paris, Les Tuileries, 5-10 April, 39.000 visitors. Save the date of PAD London, 10-16 October 2022

Browse our catalogue here

Vera Vermeersch, L’odore del sole, le voci lontane, 2022, handtufted tapestry 195 x 225 cm, unique piece signed by the artist

Featured artists & designers:
François Azambourg, Isabelle de Borchgrave, Jesper Eriksson, Ernst Gamperl, Éva Garcia, Garnier & Linker, Kaspar Hamacher, Sebastian Herkner, Pao Hui Kao, Katherine Huskie, Jin Kuramoto, Päivi Rintaniemi, Kustaa Saksi, Bela Silva, Piet Stockmans,  Ann Beate Tempelhaug, Adi Toch, Fabian von Spreckelsen, Kiki van Eijk, Vera Vermeersch & Philipp Weber

Contact us for more information – Prices are on request

Piet Stockmans, High Vases with Blue Flaps, 2019, 130 x ø 30 cm each & De Wilde Strippen, 2019, porcelain, «Stockmansblauw», 125 x 95 cm – Pao Hui Kao, Urushi Paper Pleats Bench & Console, 2022, tracing paper, rice glue and Urushi lacquer, 35 x 130 x 29 & 70 x 33 x 135 cm, unique pieces, available in bespoke dimensions – Päivi Rintaniemi, Ara, 2010, hand built stoneware clay sculpture with shamott, 38 x 87 x 72 cm – Bela Silva, Matin ensoleillé, 2019, acrylic, gouache and Indian ink on paper, 164 x 130 cm, framed, signed & Des Fleurs pour moi, 2022, hand built glazed stoneware sculpture with cast slips, 38 x 70 cm, unique piece, signed


All Photos by Aurelien Chauvaud