A Strange Symphony – Glassblowing Trumpet

by Philipp Weber

Glassblowing Trumpet – A Strange Symphony

stainless, copper, brass, Aluminium, welded, lathe-turned, constructed, 170 H x 20 x 15 cm, 2016, production: 1/3, only 3/3 available

20.000 € incl. VAT (6%)

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A Strange Symphony (2013) In this project Philipp Weber altered the main tool of the glassblower, his blowing pipe. While watching belgian glassblower Christophe Genard working, the tool caught Weber’s attention. In the past 2000 years only minor alterations have been made to the 1.5m long steel pipe, with no effect to the material. ‘What would happen to the glass, if the function of this tool radically changed? How would Christophe adapt to a new pipe?’. By manipulating the pipe the designer took influence on the inner shape of the glass. However, through changing the tool the designer sensed a certain mystery in the craft of glassblowing. The rhythm and drama, which he saw hidden in the process of making glass, left a resonating impression on him. The pipe as a tool for glass production, appeared to be like a musical instrument to him. He could not resist the idea to translate the mechanism of a trumpet into an application for blowing glass. Ultimately he started working on a new ‘ instrument’– an allegoric bond of craft and music–, inspiring Christophe to ‘ improvise’ the glass. Playing the valves, he would activate different air streams, shaping the glass from inside. The transformation of the pipe into an instrument provoked a performance of glass making. A shortmovie, several glass objects and the instrument itself communicate this dance with the fire.

Movie: https://vimeo.com/78475732 Design

Concept: Philipp Weber

Glassblowing: Christophe Genard

Tool Production: Mart van Hest

Filmmaking: Minsung Wang, Conor Trawinski,

Philipp Weber Sound Design: Johannes

Photos: Philipp Weber

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About the artist

Philipp Weber

German creative Philipp Weber’s holistic methodology melds his keen craft-led sensibility and affinity for humanism. Unaffected by the saturated trends […]

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