Pot plat bleu

by Antonio Lampecco

Pot plat bleu: dimensions 13 x 90 cm / 2010

Installation of large scale contemporary soft glazed ceramic sculptures with signature-made crystalline compositions, unique pieces, after 2000.



45 years after his Golden Medal won at the Design Center Brussels, 1972, the Italian potter and ceramist Antonio Lampecco comes back to the contemporary scene at Spazio Nobile. As a passionate artist, he will never stop creating new typologies of objects, searching always for new cristalline glosses, glazes and firing processes. Looking back at the golden age of Maredsous Abbey, where Lampecco studied ceramics, we are reexploring with him the Maredsous school founded in 1903, which was from 1939 until the mid-1960s one of the excellence center for applied arts in Belgium, especially when speaking about training artists rather than craftsmen in the field of silversmithing and ceramics. Many of the masterpieces coming from Maredsous have been revealed to the public at the Expo 58 in Brussels.


About the artist

Antonio Lampecco

Born in Minucciano, Tuscany in 1932, based in Belgium since 1942, Antonio Lampecco, took the direction of the ceramics workshop […]

Read more about Antonio Lampecco

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