A Day Bed

by Studio Dessuant Bone

A Day Bed, aluminium and dirty pink laminated flat glass, 85 x 35 x 190 cm, 2017, in collaboration with Allaert Aluminium (BE)

12 000 € incl. VAT (6%)

the day bed - studio dessuant bone 1

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After the success of Perpetual Motion at Biennale Interieur 2016, Studio Dessuant Bone and Allaert Aluminium present the first in a new collection from their limited edition design range, A.D.B. – using core materials of glass and aluminium ‘ The Day Bed ’ is handmade in Kortrijk, Belgium. The collection combines the skill and know-how of over 60 years of production from Allaert Aluminium and the design language and aesthetic that is at the heart of Studio Dessuant Bone.

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About the artist

Studio Dessuant Bone

Studio Dessuant Bone is a multi-disciplinary design consultancy based in Paris, with our specialities in direction, design, product and interiors. […]

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